Home School Communication

Week 7:
Weekly Notices:
**we are doing water safety with life jackets during PE time so please remind your children to bring togs (Tuesday and Friday)
**Corbans Trip is Thursday from 9-12; please return permission slips ASAP and pay the $14 to the office if you have not paid your activity fee.
**Community meeting this Thursday evening from 7pm, childcare available in the library.
Weekly Learning:
INQUIRY:   'What's the Matter?  Let's Make a Change'.
This week we are finishing off Physical and Chemical Changes.  We will be recording our wonderings about Matter and Change, in preparation for our own investigations.  Thanks to those parents whom supplied items last week.
MATHS:   Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.  This week in Maths we are learning strategies to estimate and solve problems with fractions and ratios.  We will be pausing our Number Knowledge Workshops this week while we carry out testing.  You will also have an IKAN test, so look at your knowledge gaps and practise, practise, practise!
PE:  Our PE specialist time is on Mondays, you will need your togs on Tuesday and Friday this week.
Class Swimming Programme
You will need to have your togs and towel at school this Friday and be ready to join in.  Do not forget!!

SPELLING:   Essential list testing will take place this week.

Week 6: 14th November to 18th November
School Reminders:
Walking School Bus:  daily from the domain at 8.30
Rubbish Free School:  We are trying to promote ‘nude lunches’, please continue to join us in this battle
Weekly Reminders:
**in class testing continues this week**
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *music with Renee
*PE with Maree
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day:  support your house and wear a t-shirt from the PTA
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
THURSDAY:  team assembly
FRIDAY:  CLASS SWIMMING!  Bring your togs!
*Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
Weekly Learning:
INQUIRY:   'What's the Matter?  Let's Make a Change'.
This week we will continue on with Physical and Chemical Changes.  So far we have melted chocolate, popped popcorn, exploded Mentos and Coke, bubbled and burst with vinegar and baking soda!  We will also be recording our wonderings about Matter and Change, in preparation for our own investigations.
MATHS:   Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.  In Maths we are learning strategies to estimate and solve problems with fractions and ratios.  We will be pausing our Number Knowledge Workshops while we carry out testing. You will also have an IKAN test, so look at your knowledge gaps and practise, practise, practise!
PE:  Our PE specialist time is on Mondays, next week you will need your togs!!!
Class Swimming Programme
Our class swimming programme will resume this week.  You will need to have your togs and towel at school this Friday and be ready to join in.  Do not forget!!
SPELLING:   Essential list testing will take place.

Term Four, Week Five
Wow!  Last week was AWESOME!!!  
Our camp at MERC was action-packed and full of fun, laughter, challenges and successes!  We had a great time!  Be sure to check out camp blog posts from room 22, one of our buddy classes.

Thank you to all of the parents who made camp possible, either as parent helpers at camp or as drivers to and from camp, we appreciated your help greatly.

This week is set to be just as busy as ever, with our normal classroom programmes resuming, as well as many assessments starting.  

This week is our Senior Athletics.  We have all been training hard during our PE sessions and can't wait to show off our skills!

Term Four:  Week Four
Camp Week!!!  
We have all been eagerly anticipating this week...and here it is!

What’s happening this week?
Wednesday - Camp begins... we depart school around 11:00am. (But you need to be at school at the normal time!)
Friday - Camp ends...we arrive back at school around 4:45pm.

Year 5/6 MERC Camp

Camp week is finally here!!  We are off to camp on Wednesday and we can hardly wait!!  
**On Monday and Tuesday of this week, make sure that you have everything that you need to have the best camp ever!  
**Read the final home note and re-check the gear list to make sure that you know everything that is needed and have it ready to go.
** Make sure that you are also bringing your very best, most positive attitude so that you can have the best camp ever!!
**Wednesday Lunch and Afternoon Tea - Don't forget it!
**Gear - Check the list, pack it all and check it again.
**Baking - Remember you need to bring a container of home baking with you.
**Medication - Remember to hand it in on Wednesday in a named zip-lock bag.

Here are the camp information links if you need an extra copy...

We are inquiring into 'What's the Matter?  Let's Make a Change'.

Last week we investigated the change processes of Freezing, Melting, Evaporating and Condensing.  
We also began investigating Physical and Chemical changes.  
This week we will continue our investigations into Physical and Chemical changes.  
In Reading and Writing, we continue reading and writing about physical and chemical changes.
This week in Maths we are learning strategies to estimate and solve problems with fractions, decimals, percentages, rates and ratios.  We are also continuing our Number Knowledge Workshops.
Other points to note...
AIA Healthy Kids Challenge
This week we will continue the AIA Healthy Kids Challenge, counting and collecting our steps... even while we are at camp!

Term 4:  Week Three
We have been hard at work,  inquiring, investigating, exploring, thinking, viewing, reading, writing, calculating, talking and sharing!  
AIA Healthy Kids Challenge
**Our class is participating in the AIA Healthy Kids Challenge for the next four weeks. It's a fun virtual adventure around the globe, led by rugby star Cory Jane and his special guests.
**To make sure that we know how our pedometers work, we will get them out on Tuesday so that we can 'play' with them and get ready for the challenge that begins on Wednesday.
** Attach the pedometer to your waistband and let it count your steps throughout the day (no cheating by shaking it).
**It is important to take very good care of your pedometer, do not do anything with it that will break it or get it wet. You will be able to take it home to keep up the healthy challenge, but it MUST come back to school each and every day.  
**In order to make sure that you are all ready and set for the responsibilities you will have at camp, this week you will have a set of Camp Prep Tasks to do at home.  
**Each time you complete a camp prep task, get Mum or Dad to sign it for you, then bring in the completed sheet at the end of the week.  
**Another part of getting ready for camp is making sure that you have all the right gear.  
**Check out the gear list and start packing now... don't leave it until the last minute to ask Mum and Dad for that extra pair of socks!
**A final camp home note will be coming very soon, keep an eye out for it!
**Here are the links if you need an extra copy...

Home School Communication Week 2, Term Four 2016
School Reminders:
Walking School Bus:  daily from the domain at 8.30
Rubbish Free School:  We are trying to promote ‘nude lunches’, please continue to join us in this battle
Camp:  Please complete any outstanding camp letters and send it back to school ASAP.   Payments can be made into the office, please do so.  The office will record your payment against your child's name for future invoicing.

This year on Tuesday, 25 October, we are joining an exciting global initiative from Teaching Tolerance, Mix-It-Up at Lunch Day! 

A national campaign launched by Teaching Tolerance in 2002, Mix It Up at Lunch Day encourages students to identify, question and cross social boundaries. In surveys, students have identified the cafeteria as the place where divisions are most clearly drawn. So for just a day, instead of the weekly house lunch meetings, we ask students to move out of their comfort zones and connect with someone new over lunch. It’s a simple act with profound implications. Studies have shown that interactions across group lines can help reduce prejudice. When students interact with those who are different from them, biases and misperceptions can fall away. Learn more at 

This week:  
We are exploring Matter. 
What are the 3 States of Matter?
What is a solid? A liquid?  A gas?
How do states of matter change?
We will also be exploring how to correctly write up experiments, hypothesise and fair test.

Through our inquiry we will be working on:


Selecting and using academic and subject specific vocabulary that is appropriate to the task.
Beginning to include visual features to support meaning.

identifying keywords and phrases.

skimming and scanning to find topic sentences and supporting details.

We are also learning to take effective notes and record information on a visual mindmap.

We will be exploring matter through experiments, dance and drama. Keep an eye out on our blog for our work.

In Maths we are continuing to build our number knowledge. We are also working on finding fractions of lengths, including seeing when a fraction is greater than one. We are working on the gaps in our learning.

Home School Communication Term Four 2016

This term our inquiry is based around Reactions and Change this is being explored through SCIENCE.
The key understanding we are exploring are:
Observe and give explanations using scientific language.
Changes occur when materials are mixed, heated or cooled.
The scientific process involves predicting, observing,reporting and evaluating.
Showing curiosity and awareness of the day to day changes that take place in our environment and use the scientific method to investigate and create something purposeful.

We are continuing to teach and learn as a team with rooms 16 and 22 this term. Giving students voice and choice about their learning.

Home School Communication Term Three 2016

Week 9:  19th to 23rd September 2016:
School Reminders:
Camp Meeting:  Tuesday evening at 6pm in room 21, for all parent helpers and any parents with queries.
CORE Learning Community Meeting:  an important community meeting to find out about modern learning environments and where we are heading for 2017.
Term Three Holidays:  school finishes at 3pm Friday for the term three school holidays; please have a safe and enjoyable break with your children.
Walking School Bus:  daily from the domain at 8.30
Rubbish Free School:  We are trying to promote ‘nude lunches’, please continue to join us in this battle
Camp:  A camp letter was sent out last week; please complete it and send it back ASAP.   Payments can be made into the office, please do so.  The office will record your payment against your child's name for future invoicing.
Have a great term holidays, be safe and see you in two weeks.
Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *music with Renee
*PE with Maree
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day:  support your house and wear a t-shirt from the PTA, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
THURSDAY:  team assembly
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
Weekly Learning:
INQUIRY:   We will be finishing up our collaborative unit on Hauroa--Well Being.  Ask your kids about the four facets of well being.
MATHS:   Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.   We will be completing our collaborative groupings for measurement this week.  Maths knowledge collaboration will continue into term four, focusing on gaps as addressed by students and teachers.
PE:  Our PE specialist time is on Mondays, please girls remember to wear your shorts, we are doing gymnastics this week.  
READING:   Please ensure your child reads every night from a book of their choice at home.  Even reading a news article off the internet is great!  
SPELLING:   Please remind your child that it is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.  Essential list testing will take place this week.
Te Ao Maori:  Students have learnt the school Karakia to begin each day with, along with the school Waiata, ask them to share this with you.  

WRITING:  We are researching and writing a Persuasive Writing report on the best super hero!  Our collaborative writers workshops are focusing on goals as addressed by students.

Week 8:  12th to 16th September 2016:
School Reminders:
Camp Parent Meeting:  Tuesday 20th September at 6pm in room 21.  An information session on our upcoming camp at MERC.
Community Meeting:  Wednesday 21st September in the school hall, 7pm.  An informative meeting, not to be missed!!!
Centennial Soccer:  This Thursday 3.30pm against Taupaki!  Go Huapai!
Rubbish Free School:  We are experiencing high volumes of plastic and wrap waste at school. This has become a concern, we are therefore requesting that students put their waste back in their lunchbox and take it home with them.  
Camp:  camp for the year 5/6 students will take place in the first week of November at Sir Peter Blake Marine Education Research Centre (MERC).  Cost is $215 / student.  If you wish to make weekly payments, please do so.  The office will record your payment against your child's name for future invoicing. A camp booklet containing all relevant information and forms came out today.  Please return forms ASAP.
Class and Individual Photos:  Next Monday, 19th September.
Activity Fees:  please pay these into the office if you have not paid the $60 at the beginning of the year.  We have had many activities and trips offered at school and out of school.  The activity fees cover these trips.
Weekly Reminders:
Everyday devices are still turning up at school not charged.  Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *music with Renee
*PE with Maree
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day:  support your house and wear a t-shirt from the PTA, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
*come on out in your wackiest, weirdest, odd shoes or decorative wheels
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
Weekly Learning:
INQUIRY:  Our topic for the next two weeks is Well Being -- Hauaroa, continuing on from last week. We have been working collaboratively with rooms 16 and 22,really getting used to working with others in an environment other than our own classroom.
MATHS:  Knowledge gap workshops continue daily, this is a great way to reinforce the concepts taught in the areas which are posing difficulty.  Collaborative measurement is taking place for the next two weeks.  Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.
PE:  Our PE sessions for the next two weeks will be focusing on gymnastic skills!  We will also continue with winter ball sport.
READING:  Reading will be centered around our inquiry topic of Well Being.  Please ensure your child reads every night from a book of their choice at home.  Even reading a news article off the internet is great!  Ask them questions to get them thinking about what they have read and to retell the article or story (summarise) into their own words.  
SPELLING:  We have been looking at suffixes and prefixes, ask your child to tell you about these.  Next we are onto contractions, digraphs, and blends.     Please remember to look at the class blog and to revise older essential spelling lists as well.  It is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.
Te Ao Maori:  Students are learning the school Karakia & Waiata to begin or end each day with.  We have learnt some new words and have been linking them with our studies.  At our team assemblies we have also been learning new Waiata to sing with our team.  
WRITING:   We are continuing to work on writing more descriptive sentences, linking it into our inquiry topic.  We are aiming to get the students to write in order to paint a picture in the reader’s mind by showing, not telling.  Writer’s workshops are also continuing in rooms 16-21-22.
Well done for speech presentations last week, we are really proud of the efforts of all of you!

Week 6 & 7
ROOM 21 Notices
  • Any offerings of tissues, hand sanitizer or hand soap are greatly appreciated.
  • There seem to be a lot of runny noses and coughs around, please if your child is truly unwell, keep them home :)
  • MONDAY:  PE with specialist; Music specialist
  • TUESDAY:  library session
  • WEDNESDAY:  walking Wednesday from domain 8.30am
  • THURSDAY: week 6: student lead conferences
  • FRIDAY:  assembly
  • If your child is absent please notify the office ASAP
  • No parent cars are to travel down the school driveways at any time, nor are they to park on yellow lines
  • Please do not drop your kids off in the driveways, park and allow them to walk in
  • Proper school uniform is a must, this includes BLACK shoes and a school issue jumper
  • We are continuing on with our team collaboration with rooms 16, 21, and 22.  
  • The students have all really stepped up to the challenge of working with their peers from other classes and other teachers.
  • Monday to Friday we are having Maths workshops based on knowledge skills identified by the students
  • Over the next few weeks we will be completing measurement units on:  perimeter, area and volume; mass and capacity; and length and distance.
  • Writing collaboration is continuing this term.  Effective sentence and paragraph building structures.
  • INQUIRY:  Sportsmanship: we are wrapping up our sportsmanship inquiry and heading into our new topic of Well Being, Hauroa.
  • MATHS:  Team collaborative maths is in full swing, five days a week, with the students rotating to different learning groups to focus on needs assessed gaps.  
  •  Please remember to practise your basic facts, add/sub and mult/div; these are essential for fast problem solving :)
  • READING:  Reading has been happening through inquiry, along with our research for speeches.  
  • Please remember to have your child read at home every night, reading mileage and understanding what is being read is the key to success.  
  • WRITING:  SPEECHES, SPEECHES, SPEECHES!!!!  We are writing persuasive speeches for our class speech competition.  
  • We are continuing on with needs based workshops going back to the basics for grammar and spelling, looking at areas of need as addressed by the students’ personal goals.  
  • Spelling word work should continue at home using unknown words from spelling lists.
  • PE:  Netball, Hockey:  a rotation over the next few weeks.

Week 5
ROOM 21 Notices:
  • There seem to be a lot of runny noses and coughs around, please if your child is truly unwell, keep them home :)
  • Any offerings of tissues, hand sanitizer or hand soap are greatly appreciated.
  • We are happy for slippers to be worn within the class, just as long as they are NOT worn outside and track mud in.
  • MONDAY:  PE with specialist; Music specialist
  • TUESDAY:  library session
  • WEDNESDAY:  walking Wednesday from domain 8.30am
  • FRIDAY:  NO SCHOOL:  Teacher Only Day
  • If your child is absent please notify the office ASAP
  • No parent cars are to travel down the school driveways at any time, nor are they to park on yellow lines
  • Please do not drop your kids off in the driveways, park and allow them to walk in
  • Proper school uniform is a must, this includes BLACK shoes and a school issue jumper
  • TOD this Friday 26 August
  • Student led Conferences:  next Thursday 1st September
  • We are continuing on with our team collaboration with rooms 16, 21, and 22.  
  • The students have all really stepped up to the challenge of working with their peers from other classes and other teachers.
  • Monday to Friday we are having Maths workshops based on knowledge skills identified by the students
  • Over the next few weeks we will be completing measurement units on:  perimeter, area and volume; mass and capacity; and length and distance.
  • Writing collaboration is continuing this term.  Effective sentence and paragraph building structures.
  • INQUIRY:  Our sportsmanship inquiry is in its final stages, with students taking action and developing a task they wish to share with another class or year group.  
  • MATHS:  Team collaborative maths is in full swing, five days a week, with the students rotating to different learning groups to focus on needs assessed gaps.   Please remember to practise your basic facts, add/sub and mult/div; these are essential for fast problem solving :)
  • READING:  Reading has been happening through our sportsmanship inquiry, along with our research for speeches.  Please remember to have your child read at home every night, reading mileage and understanding what is being read is the key to success.  
  • WRITING:  SPEECHES, SPEECHES, SPEECHES!!!!  We are learning to write persuasive speeches for our class speech competition in week 6.  We are continuing on with needs based workshops going back to the basics for grammar and spelling, looking at areas of need as addressed by the students’ personal goals.  Spelling word work should continue at home using unknown words from spelling lists.
  • PE:  Netball, Soccer, Gymnastics, Hockey:  a rotation over the next few weeks.

Home School Communication Week 4, Term 3
  • Please bring a change of clothes daily and possibly spare shoes. We are doing soccer skills for PE at the moment and it is very muddy.
  • Reminder Senior Cross-Country is this Thursday. Students is be in house or PE gear, also running shoes will be handy as they will be running outside the school. Please see the school website for more information. If you are able to help at the cross-country please let us know ASAP, we are in need of help.
  • Any offerings of tissues, hand sanitizer or hand soap are greatly appreciated.
Maths: this week in maths we will be starting our learning around Measurement. We will be holding a maths mini-olympics students. Students will be using their measurement skills during the games.

Inquiry: this week we are continuing our learning around sportsmanship. Students will be taking action by planning a way to share their knowledge around what sportsmanship is with others. Some students are making games, puppet shows, brochures etc.

Writing and Reading: this week we will be starting to write persuasive speeches, we will be researching and writing about our chosen topics. We will also be attending our workshops with room 16, and 22 around ideas in writing, vocabulary development, and different sentence structure.

Have a great week!

Home School Communication Week 2&3, Term 3
Well done to those of you in Shrek!
We are really looking forward to your production!

Home School Communication Term Three 2016
Welcome back to another exciting term!
Thank you for your patience the end of last term with both Allisa and Traci being unwell.
We look forward to another terrific term ahead with your children.
ROOM 21 Notices:
  • With the winter weather being unpredictable, please ensure your child has a rain jacket in their bag and a spare uniform in case of mud issues!  :)
  • We also ask that shoes be removed before coming into class to prevent the carpet from being ruined.  We are happy for slippers to be worn within the class, just as long as they are NOT worn outside and track more mud in.
  • There seem to be a lot of runny noses and coughs around, please if your child is truly unwell, keep them home :)
  • Any offerings of tissues, hand sanitizer or hand soap are greatly appreciated.
  • MONDAY:  PE with specialist; Music specialist
  • TUESDAY:  library session
  • WEDNESDAY:  walking Wednesday from domain 8.30am
  • FRIDAY:  kapa haka, choir, band, music lessons, Shrek, school assembly in hall 2.15
  • If your child is absent please notify the office ASAP
  • No parent cars are to travel down the school driveways at any time
  • Please do not drop your kids off in the driveways, park and allow them to walk in
  • Proper school uniform is a must, this includes BLACK shoes and a school issue jumper
  • We are continuing on with our team collaboration from last term with rooms 16, 21, and 22.  The students have all really stepped up to the challenge of working with their peers from other classes and other teachers.
  • Monday to Friday we are having Maths workshops based on knowledge skills identified by the students as well as problem solving skills and strategies relating to mult/div, add/sub and proportions and ratios.
  • INQUIRY:  We are beginning a new unit of study for inquiry this term on sportsmanship.  We will be inquiring into what sportsmanship means, and how we show sportsmanship through our actions, attitudes and words.  We will be working collaboratively with rooms 16 and 22 throughout this unit.
  • MATHS:  Team collaborative maths will be focusing on knowledge gaps and problem solving.  Five days a week the students will be rotating to different learning groups to focus on needs assessed gaps.   Please remember to practise your basic facts, add/sub and mult/div; these are essential for fast problem solving :)
  • READING:  This week reading will be focusing on sportsmanship, teamwork and team sports.  Please remember to have your child read at home every night, reading mileage and understanding what is being read is the key to success.  
  • WRITING:  This week we will focus on writing structure using correct sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. We have started needs based workshops going back to the basics for grammar and spelling, looking at areas of need as addressed by the students personal goals.  This week we will continue on with our work on suffixes.  Spelling word work should continue at home using unknown words from spelling lists.
  • PE:  Netball, Soccer Gymnastics, Hockey

Week 8:  Term Two 2016
ROOM 21 Notices:
  • Kumeu Library Trip tomorrow:  please ensure your child has a rain jacket as we are walking
  • With the onset of winter please ensure you child has a rain jacket in their bag and a spare uniform in case of mud issues!  :)
  • We also ask that shoes be removed before coming into class to prevent the new carpet from being ruined.  We are happy for slippers within the class, just as long as they are NOT worn outside and track more mud in.
  • We have a great collection of socks in our room!  Please come and have a look if any of them belong to your child.
  • MONDAY:   PE with specialist
  • TUESDAY:  library session
  • WEDNESDAY:  walking Wednesday from domain 8.30am
  • FRIDAY:  school assembly in hall 2.15, check newsletters for exact times
  • If your child is absent please notify the office ASAP
  • No parent cars are to travel down the school driveways at any time
  • Family Day:  Friday 1st July, come in and join us for part of the day
  • testing is continuing in room 21; the students have been stars as we have been completing reading, writing, spelling and maths testing.
  • INQUIRY:  Past-Present-Future:  students have been discussing innovations and inventions from home and school that were around in the past and still in use today.  They have chosen an invention that they are researching, have created a timeline of its history and are preparing to create an informative poster about it.  Have a discussion with your child of how things have possibly changed since you were a child or even since their grandparents were children.
  • MATHS:  team collaborative maths is ongoing, focusing on knowledge gaps and problem solving.  Three days a week the students will be rotating to different learning groups to focus on needs assessed gaps.
  • READING:  please remember to have your children read at home every night, reading mileage and understanding what is being read is the key to success.  Our reading is focusing on Innovations and Inventions.
  • WRITING:  we have started needs based workshops going back to the basics for grammar and spelling, looking at areas of need as addressed by the students personal goals.  From this they are writing about the invention they have have chosen, remembering to use precise vocabulary for maximum effect.
  • PE:  netball and volleyball skills will be taught over the next three weeks

Home School Communication Term Two
Week 6
Room 21 Notices:
  • Please return any outstanding camp notices in as soon as possible.
  • Also, please return by email or hard copy permission slips for our Matariki Library Visit next Tuesday.
  • Please ensure your child brings a change of clothes to school each day, as part of our PE programme this term involves rugby training.
  • Our sock collection is still growing! These will be thrown at the end of the week.
Our Learning this Week:
  • This week is testing week. We will be reading, writing and maths testing.
  • Our inquiry this week continues to focus on innovations, and inventions. We are finding out information as part of our reading programme, and will be making timelines that show what we have researched.
  • We are continuing to look at explanation writing this week. How to write an explanation, and what language features are part of an explanation. We will be aiming to use complex vocabulary, a range of sentence types, giving reasons why, and paragraphing.
  • Maths this week: we will be continuing to work on our knowledge gaps. Maths challenges will be part of our programme this week.

Home School Communication Term Two

Week 5: 30th May to 3rd June, 2016

ROOM 21 Notices:

  • Camp notices were sent out last week, please return the expression of interest forms for camp to the school by this Friday
  • With the onset of winter please ensure you child has a rain jacket in their bag and a spare uniform in case of mud issues!  :)
  • We also ask that shoes be removed before coming into class to prevent the new carpet from being ruined.  We are happy for slippers within the class, just as long as they are NOT worn outside and track more mud in.
  • We have a great collection of socks in our room! Please come and have a look to see if any of them belong to your child.


  • MONDAY:  Howick Historical Village Trip, please be in proper school uniform along with a school jumper and a rain jacket.  Students must bring a packed lunch for the day.  Devices will not be required.  Thank you very much to all of the parents whom have offered to help.
  • TUESDAY:  PE with specialist:  a spare set of old uniform is MANDATORY for PE over the next two weeks, we will be getting MUDDY!!!  :)
  • TUESDAY:  library session
  • WEDNESDAY:  walking Wednesday from domain 8.30am
  • FRIDAY:  school assembly in hall 2.15


  • If your child is absent please notify the office ASAP
  • No parent cars are to travel down the school driveways at any time
  • Extreme Exercise Extravaganza: money still needed to be handed into the office in order for our adventure playground to get underway


  • INQUIRY:  Past-Present-Future:  students have been discussing innovations and inventions from home and school that were around in the past and still in use today.  They have chosen an invention that they are researching and are going to begin a timeline of its history over the next few weeks. Have a discussion with your child of how things have possibly changed since you were a child or even since their grandparents were children.
  • MATHS:  we are beginning team collaborative maths this week focusing on knowledge gaps and problem solving.  Three days a week the students will be rotating to different learning groups to focus on needs assessed gaps they have identified.
  • READING:  please remember to have your children read at home every night, reading mileage and understanding of what is being read is the key to success.  Our reading is focusing on Innovations and Inventions.
  • WRITING:  we have started needs based workshops going back to the basics for grammar and spelling, looking at areas of need as addressed by the students' personal goals.  From this they are writing about the invention they have have chosen, remembering to use precise vocabulary for maximum effect.
  • PE:  look out we will be MUDDY!!!  We are starting rugby.  Students will be required to have a spare change of old uniform at school every day for the next two weeks.  Thank you for your support with this.

Week 4, Term 2 Home School Communication

Thank you to all those parents who came to the student led conferences. It was great to see the children sharing their learning, and what they are proud of with you.

Reminders for the week:

  • Library day is Wednesday. Please bring all library books to be returned.
  • Now the weather is getting wet, if you are playing sport on the fields at lunchtime please bring a change of clothes.
  • Howick Village Trip Notes: please get these in as soon as possible, so we can finalise organisation for the trip.
  • Next week: we will be participating in rugby skills training for PE. Could all students please bring a change of clothes for these sessions.

This week:
We are continuing our learning around invention and innovation.
We will be continuing our writing around explaining why a technology of our choice was invented. We will be exploring the features of explanation writing, and also focusing on correct paragraphing, use of different sentence types, and ways to hook the reader into our writing. We are looking at improving our writing by identifying synonyms and increasing the vocabulary we use. We will also be identifying antonyms.

In reading, we are making comparisons between the past and present, and predicting what it might be like in the future. We are also identifying the authors message in reading.

In maths we continue to focus on problem solving, and sharing our thinking, learning a range of different strategies. Our problems will be linked to our inquiry, past, present and future. We are focusing on subtraction problems this week.

An ask:
If any grandparents would be available to come and talk to us about what things were like in their day. We would love to have you. Alternatively, we could skype them, or have a question and answer session through google. Please contact Allisa: allisa@huapaidistrict.school.nz if anyone you know would be interested.

Have a great week!

Week 3, Term 2 Home School Communication

Wow!  Week 3 already, time is flying.
Reminders for this week:  
Student Led Learning Conferences are on Thursday. Many of you are yet to book a conference.  Please take the time to come and share your child's successes with them.  Here is a link for booking information: Student-Led Learning Conferences.
Remember school finishes at 12.00 on Thursday due to learning conferences.

A trip note will be coming out this week.  We will be visiting Howick Historic Village as part of our inquiry learning. 

Remember, our library day is Tuesday, please bring books back to school tomorrow.

This week we are continuing our learning around the past, present and future.  We are exploring some of the following questions:
What is an innovation?
What is a need and want?
How did past innovation affect society?
Will our needs and wants still be the same in the future?
What are my wonderings about innovations of the past, present and future?
Why do we invent?
What current needs and wants do we have?
What is creative thinking?
How do I research and plan effectively to meet a need or want?
What does effective research look like?

We will be comparing inventions of the past, how they have changed now, and what they may be like it the future. Also, we are exploring specific inventions, and will be beginning to write an information report about that invention, it's inventor/s, it's purpose and how it has made a difference.

In reading, we are also exploring what it was like 'back in the day' and comparing what we read to what it is like now.
We will also be reading about different inventions, and inventors.

In maths this week, we will be exploring subtraction and solving problems using a range of different strategies. We will also be continuing our probability learning, and working on our knowledge gaps.

If any grandparents would be available to come and talk to us about what things were like in their day. We would love to have you. Alternatively, we could skype them, or have a question and answer session through google. Please contact Allisa: allisa@huapaidistrict.school.nz if anyone you know would be interested.

Please ensure your child reads every night. Ask them questions about what they read. Get them to give you a summary. Also, please ensure they are regularly practising their essential spelling words (these are on our class blog).

Have a great week!


Library Day is Tuesday, please bring books back to school to return. 
We have specialist PE and music last block on a Monday.
Extreme Exercise Extravaganza: please bring any sponsorship money in as soon as possible. 
Student Led Learning Conferences: these will be on the Thursday of week 3.  Keep an eye out for booking information this week.

A BIG THANK YOU to all the parents who were able to assist on both our trips last week, without you we would not be able to experience these wonderful roadshows. 

MATHS: In maths, at the onset of this week we will be working on problem solving, using a range of strategies to solve addition problems, being able to explain our thinking and to say whether our strategies are effective or not.
In the later part of the week we will be working on probability: dice, spinners and coins.

We are also expecting our students to take increased responsibility for their learning in maths.  We have worked on identifying knowledge gaps with each of the students and they will be building on the knowledge needed to close those gaps. Prioritising their maths knowledge goals. 

In INQUIRY this week we are focusing on innovation and invention, and exploring past, present and future through those concepts. We will also be working on what it means to be an innovative, creative and critical thinker.

Our READING will be based on the concept of past, present and future and we will be making comparisons about what life was life in the past, compared to life currently, and what it may be like in the future.  We are continuing to work on inferencing and questioning in reading. 

In WRITING we are continuing to work on use of a range of sentence types in our writing, simple, compound and complex sentences.  We will be using our success criteria and giving feedback to our peers.  We will also be working on using the 'best' vocabulary in our writing, and increasing our vocabulary knowledge. 

Also, watch out for examples of our description writing about the Art and Science Roadshows.  This writing will be up on our blog sometime this week. 

SPELLING: please keep practising your essential spelling list words at home. 

Welcome to Term Two!!!
Welcome back to Term Two!  
We hope that you all had a great break!  
This term will be an exciting term; with trips, new inquiry topics, and a school wide production at the end of the term.  

Room 21’s Weekly Reminders:
  • PLEASE remember to charge chrome books and bring in headphones daily
  • PE and Music Specialists on Monday
  • Our library day is Tuesday, students need to bring library folders and books are to be returned or renewed.
  • Walking Wednesdays:  meet at the Domain for 8.25
  • Real Art Roadshow Trip is Wednesday, please ensure permission slips are back.
  • Science and technology Roadshow on Friday, permission slips and money are due back ASAP.

This term our unit of inquiry is 'Back to the Future', how does this happen? Throughout this unit, we will be inquiring into inventions and innovations that have had an impact on our lives.  We will also be exploring the design process and following this through, leading into creating our own innovation or invention.

In Writing, we will be focussing on writing paragraphs using a variety of sentence structures.  In Spelling, we will be focussing on learning to use suffixes correctly within our spelling.  In Reading, we will be focussing on inferencing and making connections along with organisation of text.

In Maths, we continue on with problem solving around Addition and Subtraction.  We are focussing on estimating and solving addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies.  We will also be learning to use talk moves more effectively to share our ideas with others and talk critically about our learning.

Home Learning
Remember it is important that your child reads every day at home in order to practise their reading skills and strategies. There are also essential spelling lists and basic facts that your child should be learning.  This is important in order to further develop their spelling and maths essential knowledge.  

Have a great week!!!

Week 11 Homeschool Communication
This has been a great term! We hope you all enjoy your holiday break. Have a safe and happy holiday. We look forward to exciting new learning adventures next term.
Allisa and Traci

Weekly Reminders:
  • Extreme Exercise Extravaganza. Please get sponsorship money in this week. 
  • PLEASE remember charged chrome books and headphones daily.
  • Our library day is Tuesday, students need to bring library folders and books are to be returned or renewed.
  • Walking Wednesdays:  meet at the Domain for 8.25.
  • Friday Assembly:  This week our school assembly will start at 2.00, everyone welcome.
  • This week a home note will go out for our room 21 and 22 Arts Centre Trip - week 1, Term 2. Slips need to be emailed or sent in by Thursday 14 April. We need parents to help and transport, without you this trip will not be possible.

Our Learning This Week:

  • We are continuing our learning around the central theme of WHAKAWHANAUNGATANGA. This week we will be focusing on working collaboratively in our class teams to complete our group waka. We will be working on living our group treaties, and participating and contributing appropriately.  
  • We are writing about our dream new playground, and comparing our dream to a playground that is from another country using a compare and contrast mind mind. We are continuing to work on developing an awareness of different sentences types, and using interesting vocabulary to hook the audience.
  • We will be working collaboratively with our buddy classes room 16 and 22, and students will be working on developing their vocabulary use through poetry, moment in time writing or recounts.
  • In reading we are focusing on identifying the key words in a text, and using these to summarise in our own words - researching and applying that knowledge.
  • In Maths we are problem solving. We are working on really unpacking word problems to understand what they mean, and solving them using different addition strategies. We are also continuing our learning about statistics, linking to our inquiry concept this term.
Week 9:

Room 21’s Weekly Reminders:
  • Family Friday:   this Friday is Family Friday, come on in and see what we get up to during the day.  Jump Jam, Kapa Haka, Choir, etc.  Join in with literacy, inquiry, maths, PE.
  • PLEASE remember charged chrome books and headphones daily
  • Walking Wednesdays:  meet at the Domain for 8.25am
  • Friday Assembly 2.15pm
Room 21’s Term Reminders:
Extreme Exercise Extravaganza Event.      
Thursday 7th April until Friday 8th April.  
Please refer to the handout that came home with your child in week 5 or the school website for more information.
The school is aiming for a big goal for every student or family to have at least 20 sponsors in order to make a substantial total to buy some serious outdoor adventure playground equipment.   Students can access sponsorship through - grandparents, aunts and uncles, parents friends, coaches, neighbours, etc.  There will be loads of prizes!!!  Students who raise over $500, the highest amount raised in the class, highest amount in the year group, etc.  Get out their kids and get your sponsors! One week to go!!!  This is going to be a school wide event, aiming to raise enough money for a fantastic adventure playground for our kids and the wider community.
Room 21’s Weekly Learning Journey:
Integrated Inquiry:  Whakawhanaungatanga:  we have been working on building successful relationships and working well with others in our class and around the school.
Maths:  We have begun statistics, this week we will be focusing on ‘all about me’, a statistical investigation about ourselves and ur family.  We have been unpacking various word problems, looking at the mathematical language involved and thinking individually and as a group about the strategies needed to solve the problems.  Have a look at the link by Jo Boaler, well worth a read about parents getting involved with maths at home, it is an easy read :).
Reading:  We have been focusing on inferencing and understanding the author’s purpose within a piece of writing.  We are looking at language features in writing as well.  Our in class reading has been linked to our inquiry topic of Whakawhanaungatanga.
Spelling:  In spelling, gap analysis testing has been completed, any gaps will help us to identify the needs of the class for workshops.  Essential spelling lists are posted on our blog, along with in the student’s google drive, for easy revision.
Writing:  A huge focus this term has been on correct punctuation in writing, paragraphing, and different sentence types, we will continue to focus on these needs. We will be writing about our friends and family.
Don’t forget to check out our writing on the blog.  

Have a great week!

Week 8:
Room 21’s Weekly Reminders:
  • Easter Holidays:  no school Good Friday, Easter Monday or Easter Tuesday.
  • Thanks to all of the parent helpers for the Te Henga Team Trip to Bethell's Beach, without you we could not have gone!
  • PLEASE remember charged chrome books and headphones daily
  • PE Specialist on Monday
  • Swimming Tuesday: ALL students need to bring togs and a towel, goggles are optional.
  • Our library day is Tuesday, students need to bring library folders and books are to be returned or renewed.
  • Walking Wednesdays:  meet at the Domain for 8.25
  • Thursday Assembly this week due to Easter holiday
Room 21’s Term Reminders:
Extreme Exercise Extravaganza Event.      
Thursday 7th April until Friday 8th April.  
Please refer to the handout that came home with your child in week 5 or the school website for more information.
A big goal would be for every student or family to have at least 20 sponsors. Students can access sponsorship through - grandparents, aunts and uncles, parents friends, coaches, neighbours, etc.
This is going to be a school wide event, aiming to raise enough money for a fantastic adventure playground for our kids and the wider community.
Room 21’s Weekly Learning Journey:
Integrated Inquiry:
Whakawhanaungatanga:  we have been working on building successful relationships and working well with others in our class and around the school.  As a class we are creating a class waka mural, building on our self and group roles and responsibilities.
Maths: We have begun to unpack various word problems, looking at the mathematical language involved and thinking individually and as a group about the strategies needed to solve the problems.  We will begin statistics this week.
We have been focusing on inferencing and understanding the author’s purpose within a piece of writing.  We are looking at  language features in writing as well.  Our in class reading has been linked to our inquiry topic of Whakawhanaungatanga.
In spelling, gap analysis testing has been completed, any gaps will help us to identify the needs of the class for workshops.  Essential spelling lists are posted on our blog, along with in the student’s google drive, for easy revision.
A huge focus this term has been on correct punctuation in writing, paragraphing, and different sentence types, we will continue to focus on these needs.
We will be writing about our friends and family.
Don’t forget to check out our writing on the blog.  

Have a great week!

Week 7:

Room 21’s Weekly Reminders:
  • Te Henga Team Trip to Bethell's Beach is this Friday
  • PLEASE remember charged chrome books and headphones daily
  • PE Specialist on Monday
  • Swimming Tuesday: ALL students need to bring togs and a towel, goggles are optional.
  • Our library day is Tuesday, students need to bring library folders and books are to be returned or renewed.
  • Walking Wednesdays:  meet at the Domain for 8.25
  • Friday Assembly:  School Assemblies in the hall from 2.15pm, everyone welcome.
Room 21’s Term Reminders:
Extreme Exercise Extravaganza Event.          Thursday 7th April until Friday 8th April.  
Please refer to the handout that came home with your child in week 5 or the school website for more information.
A big goal would be for every student or family to have at least 20 sponsors. Students can access sponsorship through - grandparents, aunts and uncles, parents friends, coaches, neighbours, etc.
This is going to be a school wide event, aiming to raise enough money for a fantastic adventure playground for our kids and the wider community.
Room 21’s Weekly Learning Journey:
Integrated Inquiry:
Whakawhanaungatanga:  including building relationships and working well with others.  As a class we have decided what we expect of each other and how we can work on these as a team to build positive relationships.  We are creating a class waka mural, building on our self and group roles and responsibilities.
Maths: We have begun to unpack various word problems, looking at the mathematical language involved and thinking individually and as a group about the strategies needed to solve the problems.
PE skills with our PE specialist will focus on biking.
Our team collaboration group rotations will focus this week on small ball skills; throwing and catching along with bike skills for those whom wish to opt in.
We have been focusing on inferencing and understanding the author’s purpose within a piece of writing. We are looking at language features in writing as well.
In spelling, gap analysis testing has been completed, any gaps will help us to identify the needs of the class for workshops.  Essential spelling lists are posted on our blog, along with in the student’s google drive, for easy revision.
A huge focus this term has been on correct punctuation in writing, paragraphing, and different sentence types, we will continue to focus on these needs.
We will be learning about growth mindset and allowing ourselves to take risks and learn from them.  Workshops will be held around using the ‘best’ words in our writing and increasing our vocabulary knowledge.   

Have a great week!

Week 6 Homeschool Communication
Weekly Reminders:
  • PLEASE remember charged chrome books and headphones daily.
  • Swimming Tuesday: ALL students need to bring togs and a towel. You will be emailed if your child is in the after lunch swimming sessions on other days.
  • Our library day is Tuesday, students need to bring library folders and books are to be returned or renewed.
  • Walking Wednesdays:  meet at the Domain for 8.25
  • Friday Assembly:  School Assemblies in the hall from 2.15pm, everyone welcome.

  • This week a home note will go out for our team Te Henga beach trip. Our trip is on Friday 18 March. Slips need to be emailed or sent in by Monday 14 March. We need parents to help and transport, without you this trip will not be possible.
  • Extreme Exercise Extravaganza. Sponsorship forms went out on Friday last week. A big goal would be that every student or family has at least 20 sponsors.
  • Tryathlon: the school Tryathlon is on Thursday. Students are to come in house t-shirts, or house coloured sport gear. They need their togs, towel, bike and helmet. We are promoting a give it a go attitude by all. Our race is at 10.45 if you would like to come and cheer us on.

Our Learning This Week:
  • We are continuing our learning around the central theme of WHAKAWHANAUNGATANGA, and building key relationships. This week we will be focusing on finding out more about other members of our class. We have been interviewing each other, and are writing 'to inform' about our buddies. We are focusing on correct paragraphing and identifying our topic, supporting and closing sentences. Sharing back in a group new information we have found out about others.
  • We are also working on developing an awareness of different sentences types, and workshops around complex sentences will be happening.
  • In reading we are focusing on the author's purpose in different pieces of writing. We are identifying what clues and language features are present in the writing. One group is also working on inferencing: using their prior knowledge and evidence in the text to solve questions.
  • In Maths we have started problem solving. We are working on really unpacking word problems to understand what they mean, and solving them using different addition strategies. We are also working on being able to share our thinking in small groups, so that we have a range of ways to solve problems. Thinking about what is the best way to solve certain problems.

Room 21's 


Week 5:
Room 21’s Weekly Reminders:
  • PLEASE remember charged chrome books and headphones daily
  • Swimming Tuesday: ALL students need to bring togs and a towel.
  • Our library day is Tuesday, students need to bring library folders and books are to be returned or renewed.
  • Walking Wednesdays:  meet at the Domain for 8.25
  • Friday Assembly:  School Assemblies in the hall from 2.15pm, everyone welcome.
Room 21’s Weekly Learning Journey:
Integrated Inquiry:
This term our integrated concept is Whakawhanaungatanga.  This includes building relationships and working well with others.  As a class we have decided what we expect of each other and how we can work on these a team to build positive relationships.
We are continuing to focus on sharing information about ourselves.  Look for our visual mihi’s and personal tee’s by the end of the week.  :)
We will be writing about what makes us happy; where we are when we feel happy, who we are with and what we are doing.  Workshops will be held around using the ‘best’ words in our writing and increasing our vocabulary knowledge.   We will continue to focus on correct punctuation in writing, paragraphing, and different sentence types.
In spelling, gap analysis testing will continue to help us to identify the needs of individuals in the class.  Students will also be further tested on essential spelling lists.  The lists are posted on our blog, along with in the student’s google drive, for easy revision.
PE skills with our PE specialist and group rotations will focus this week on small ball skills; throwing and catching.

Have a great week!

Week 4:  22nd February to 26th February, 2016

Room 21’s Weekly Reminders:
  • Swimming Tuesday: ALL students need to bring togs and a towel.
  • Our library day is Tuesday, students need to bring library folders and books are to be returned or renewed.
  • Walking Wednesdays:  meet at the Domain for 8.25
  • Mufti Day this Friday in support of the 'save the beach' campaign
  • Y5-8 water fight at lunch this Friday, prepare t be blasted....
  • Friday Assembly:  School Assemblies in the hall from 2.15pm, everyone welcome

Room 21’s Weekly Learning Journey

This term our integrated concept is Whakawhanaungatanga.  This includes building relationships and working well with others.
These are some of the ideas we will be focusing on over the term.
  • Communities are made up of people with diverse cultures and identities who need to work together to be effective.
  • I am unique and special.  I am open and accepting of the people in my community.
  • I relate to others respectfully, and my actions impact positively on the community.

This week we are continuing to focus on sharing information about ourselves.  We will be working on our own visual mihi, and being able to confidently share these with others.  We will also be completing our ‘personal tee’, ready to be on display in room 21.

We will be writing about some of our personal attributes and goals for Room 21.  Workshops will be held around correct punctuation, paragraphing, and different sentence types, as well as using the ‘best’ words in our writing to increase our vocabulary knowledge.

This week we will also be completing our class treaty, and continue our learning about the Treaty of Waitangi and what it means to us.  

In spelling, gap analysis testing will continue to help us to identify the needs of individuals in the class.  Students will also be further tested on essential spelling lists.  The lists will be posted on our blog, along with in the student’s google drive, for easy revision.

PE skills and group rotations will focus this week on small ball skills; throwing and catching.

Have a great week!

HSC Week 3


  • Swimming Tuesday: ALL students need to bring togs and a towel tomorrow.
  • Our library day is Tuesday, students need to bring library folders and books are to be returned or renewed.

We have senior swimming sports on Friday.  If you have not done so already could you please complete the permission form emailed last week.

Tomorrow we will be assessing students.  Those students who are able to swim 2-3 lengths of our school pool qualify to attend. 

This week:
This term our concept is Whakawhanaugatanga.  This includes building relationships and working well with others.
These are some of the ideas we will be focusing on over the term.
  • Communities are made up of people with diverse cultures and identities who need to work together to be effective.

  • I am unique and special.  I am open and accepting of the people in my community.

  • I relate to others respectfully, and my actions impact positively on the community.
This week we are focusing on sharing information about ourselves.  We will be working on our own visual mihi, and being able to confidently share these with others.  

This visual mihi will also link into our reading, and maths strands.  We will be designing a koru to represent our family. We will be doing research and reading about the koru, and kowhaiwhai patterns.  Then we will be exploring transformations in maths.  We will be learning about reflective symmetry, rotation symmetry, and enlargement, this will help us to create our kowhaiwhai. We will be using our koru patterns to create our own kowhaiwhai panels, that will be used as oars for our class waka.

We will be writing about some of our personal attributes.  
Workshops will be held around correct punctuation in writing, paragraphing, and different sentence types.

This week we will also be completing our class treaty, and continue our learning about the Treaty of Waitangi.  

In spelling, gap analysis will take place.  So we are able to identify the needs of individuals in the class.

We are looking forward to another great week.  Your children are absolutely fantastic!

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