Our visit to the Science Roadshow was a fun, exciting and interactive learning experience of science.
It included live shows and hands-on exhibits that broadened the students of rooms 16-21-22's knowledge of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. It strongly supports the Nature of Science strand and the Five Foundational Science Capabilities.
Each year the shows, themes and exhibits change, so there's always something new for students to learn and engage with. This year the roadshow was all about:
Mighty Materials — The physical and chemical properties of substances like metals and fabrics and how these are put to use in everyday applications
Sounding Out Waves — The characteristics of sound such as pitch, volume, how fast it travels, what substances it travels through, how it travels and the many effects these have on things we can or cannot hear.
Sounding Out Waves — The characteristics of sound such as pitch, volume, how fast it travels, what substances it travels through, how it travels and the many effects these have on things we can or cannot hear.
The following link is from the Science Roadshow when they were at MOTAT, it provides a little insight into what the roadshow is all about, such a great learning experience!!! science roadshow
I went to the science roadshow last friday. I did lots of things. Here they are.
First I did sound waves. It was very loud! We had to put our hand up so the sound could get louder and we did it on a TV. It really did get louder. Then that’s how it got boisterous.
the one that I liked was seeing the other experiments. I saw this very complex one It was colors that you had to say but you had to say the colors. There was red that was blue. Yellow that was red. Blue that was yellow. It was so confusing but enjoyable.
WAIT it is not the end yet. Next I did this one that had a balloon that got bigger. I put a needle under the balloon. was very strong to not pop.
I saw this volume box that you had to set on fire it was so amazing because everyone was loud and it got higher the more loud it was.
I had to go back to school and go on the bus again then I got back to school.
The Roadshow was great and it could never get better.
Science roadshow
On the 6th of may room 22 and room 16 and my class went to the amazing science roadshow. When we got there A very nice man came and welcomed us to the school .we got to look around there school hall .then we sat down and they talk to us about …
And they talked about how how sound works.Like when a balloon pops in a jar its quiter . Fire for some reason makes a noise.
cool !!! and ya . They also showed us different liquids, it was pretty fun. one day they might come to our school we hope.
After that we got to do some of the activities .Like there was a what's in the box they put crazy stuff like pinecones, coins, driftwood, stuff like that. we did a whole bunch of stuff. There was a human body you could take out lungs, stomach, heart , liver, bladder and you can take those apart and when you take them out you can put them back in .
I hope you like my science roadshow with all the activities like human body, whats in the box stuff like that hope you enjoyed reading about it.
Boom! Welcome to the science roadshow at Helensville primary. On friday three huapai classes rooms 22, 16 & 21 that’s my class. We wandered around looking at lots of different experiments. But there was one that was very interesting to me, so there’s a target also speedmonator. If you don’t hit the target it dosen’t count. But if you do it say how much kilometers your throw is going.The highest was 51 I got 48. As you can see there is me, and my friends Ivo, Sam and Jack doing a game it’s a food puzzle. Best trip ever!
On friday our class room 21 and two more classes 22 & 16 went on a trip to Helensville school, because there was a science show. To get there we had to go in buses it was so loud & annoying the howl time they all sang wheels on the bus jared & me just ignored it. When we got to the school and in the hall all the experiments looked so awesome there was heaps of them to look at but, my favourite was the target. Because it was amazing but I like all the other science projects to. I was a little tired and hungry too, I had lots of fun.!!!
On Friday room 21 22 and 16 went on a Science Roadshow. There was lots of Amazing science like how fast you throw a baseball. The way they know how fast it went because of a speed monitor. I through it 32 km an hour. Then I went to see if i might win something. I didn’t but did try which is a good thing. I tried every single one they were all quite amazing. Then they got us down to the floor to show us some experiments that were quite cool. They showed how to disintegrate polystyrene with toxic lipid that could kill a person if they had too much of it. But they still had more. The still had one more to talk about. It was about water evaporation. It was cool but now we had to go it was an awesome day.
POP! Last week room 21, 22, 16 went. There were lots of different amazing science experiments. We wandered around looking at all the different pieces of science. My favourite one was you had to throw the ball as hard as you can. My second favourite one was the mystery box the mystery box had a pine cone in it. The funniest one was the toilet one we had to push the trigger to pump the water and then flush.
Yay everyone shouted as we walked onto the bus. We were all so excited.
On Friday rooms 22, 21 and Rm 16 all went to the science roadshow at helensville school.
When we got there all the kids outside were just standing around and talking it didn’t seem very exciting but, as soon as we got into the hall you could see all the interesting science project. We all sat down in lines and waited and chatted for a little bit. Then by the time they came out we were so excited to learn about some science things and stuff. There were four science projects with a fluro yellow flag next to it and you would get a card and if you figured out what the meaning of the project is you get a clip in the card and you have to get 2 clips and then you write your name on it and put it in the box and they draw 2 people from the box and I won it and my prize was a 3d printed dragon and when you put it in natural sunlight it turns purple. And the other person got a red one and when you make it warm it turns pink.