Friday, 22 April 2016

HUAPAI Extreme Exercise Extravaganza...

HUAPAI Extreme Exercise Extravaganza...

On Thursday and Friday of Week 10 the students and staff took art in an amazing fund raising event called the "HUAPAI Extreme Exercise Extravaganza..."  This was to help raise money for the best adventure playground in West Auckland!  We are still awaiting sponsorship money to be returned, it is never too late!



  • Trying to get a really good grip.
  • Sweat dripping down their face.
  • “Heave pull”
  • House chants
  • Screaming and shouting
  • Sore
  • Tired
  • Exhausted
  • Felt like jelly

Write to describe that moment in time. “Tug o war”
Just imagine pulling the long light brown rope that is as long as a train. The rope slipping out of your hands and the adrenaline rushing through your veins you  feel the excitement as you creep further away from the the other team but the rope is still sitting firmly in your hand your eye and your face scrunched up with sweat dripping down your forehead. You feel the excitement really hitting you know as the crimson rag tied onto the middle of the rope creeps closer and closer and closer. The excitement is keeping you determined.

Just listen to everyone yelling and screeching as they cheer you on, house chants fill the air and all you can hear is the deafening sound of everyone screeching. “ Go Akaroa,”. That is all you could hear take up all the time to actually believe it.

Your legs feel like jelly, you’re exhausted and extremely sleepy your hands are aching and your head is really hot from the sun shining on you the whole day. Your body is like spaghetti, and your is roasting like chicken. Your face is all red and is like a big cherry all you want now is to give up, but you can’t you should be determined to finish this match with the other side.

This is what it would be like to be in the shoes of an exhausted person doing the extremely hard tug o war.

By Emalie


Grunt, grunt the children hesitate, gripping the rope with both hands while the sun beats down on them. They felt their sunblocked hands gently slipping away from the rope, they try to yank the twisty rope back to their side, but it was no use they needed more force. Everyone didn’t want to let their team down but someone obviesly wanted to win more than anybody else because they put up enough force for the rest of the kids to join in. The tight knot passed the cone they had won the tug of war!

They felt tired and sweaty and the worst thing was they had to do it  all over again on friday.


On Thursday we had an extreme exercise extravaganza event. I’m going to tell you about one event biking around the whole school three times.

Yeah, as the teachers cheering with excitement. Crash, as the kids skid across the ground. Zoom, as kids firing past the seniors. Exhausted, as mr hutchings says “keep going only two laps to go”.

The sounds of the kids screaming get out the way. The bells on the bike is as loud, as lion roaring for pride. Honking of the cars speeding past right next to me. Adults screeching for their kids attention.

This was the extreme exercise bike race!!!


They can see the kids lining up nervously to the start line, ready set go, the flag drops They race off with their feet working hard to pedal and keep balance.  After a while everyone decided to stroll and everybody got puffed (lucky it wasn’t a race.)

They really enjoyed this moment on there bikes and just strolling. There Mum’s could be there cheering them on saying keep peddling keep peddling. Their second lap was very fast  they could feel their helmet rattling and They could hear the wind pushing hard against their face. They  loved the feeling of this entertaining bit of the day.

Everyone’s third lap was very short. All we had to do is go down to the grippy astro turf and did some enjoyable stuff. We played who can go the slowest. Some people did incredible.  After that we played elimination where People were on the bikes and Kevin was telling us to to go around in circles turn around and not let us put our feet on the ground.


Write to describe that moment in time.

A few weeks ago it was the Extreme Exercise Extravaganza at Huapai District school. Us students did activities and a big walk. It was so cool and amazing.

Leafs are falling off on the footpath and bushes have a bunch of leafs.

Write to describe that moment in time.
This is huapai  school they are doing the extreme fitness and  they are doing tug or war! 
they are pulling a massive rope and it's a big HARD ROPE and they are doing this in teams of 2.
They are trying to win they will win nothing if they dont pull.  
The teams names are blue house. green house purple house and red house.  
The last team to go was green vs adults and it was unfair!! And the adults won.  
then we did more on thursday! Then we all went home, very tired.


People pulling.
Everyone using their muslles.
Some people falling.
Hands are tiering

Write to describe that moment in time.

Everyone was getting ready to play tug-of-war.They got in their houses and the teachers in their  houses gave the people in their houses gave them tips to win.

One teacher called the groups for the teams to vs with another team.If the year the teacher called at team he must some thing for eg: akaroa 5 and 6s vs muananiu 5 and 6s.

The two teams got in their places and pasitions.They both held the rope.Mr Huchings got everyone ready.He counted people if they are even and if they are not he sends him back to thier place.
Mr Huchings said “ready!Steady!Pull!”Everyone used thier mighty strength to pull the rope.Their cheer leaders shouted their chant.Most of the teachers shouted to their teams and said “Heave!Heave!”

The children pulled hard as they.their mussles were getting bigger and bigger.some children were starting fall down because the other the other team was to strong.

Write to describe that moment in time.
  • Rotate furiously.
  • Whoosh
  • Yelp
  • Scrape
  • Screams
Te Hunga team are on the bikes. The year seven and eights go first. They go down the steep narrow path. In single file they are off. They are no longer in sight. Now it is time for the year six and fives to go the year sixes go first. They all go down makes sure they have there hands on their brakes. Finally it is my go I am the last year six to go down. I feel nervous. I feel like the whole world is on my shoulders.

I go down the path. The the air greets my face. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I scream so loud that I bet the whole earth and universe could hear me. We all turn down the path and head beyond the school. There is now a windy narrow path ahead. It goes down and it was incredibly narrow.

This is where is goes all WRONG for me. I turn to go down it and I looked at. I also looked at all of the others going down and think I can do this. I went down. I felt like my tummy was a storage unit for butterflies. I put on my back brakes but my foot slipped and the petal was behind my ankle and I had to put my feet on the ground so I did. That really hurt. Some skin came off. I skidded to a halt. I pulled over. The others kept on going. I got off my bike and walked the rest of the way. When I got back they were all there even the year ones. I was the last one to finish. I felt sort of ashamed but at least I tried.

I felt good and bad because I did it but I was the last one to arrive and I AM A YEAR SIX!
The soar still felt like three bees stinging me at the same time.


Write to describe that moment in time.
Tug of  War Pull!
See the other group pulling
Hear groans
Felt like it was hard

House Colour Tug of War

Last week we had a Big tug of war.

My house Lost the first game but we won the next game.

In the Tug of war game it was my house colour turn soon we hold the rope and we pull! I see the  other group pulling and I heard the other group groans and    l Felt like it was hard.


There are kids polling the rope.   There are kids falling and slipping on the hard cold ground  from poling the rope.

There are  people screaming and cheering all over the plays.

There hands feel sore and tired from polling the rope. It was  extremely hot.

The Extreme Exercise Extravaganza…


I was in the enormous crowd of bikes I could hear kids shouting and birds whistling. I can also hear lots of teachers  telling us all the rules the safety rules. I hear all the trees screaming . I see enormous trees the size of skyscrapers I I      also could see a stampede of bikes and a lot of helmets !!!. :)

The Extreme Exercise Extravaganza…

After Lunch We Did Tug OF War 
First Up There Was Year 5-6 Red (Sorry Cant Spell It In Maori) Vs Blue I'm A Red House Captain So I Could Do Nothing Just Like The Rest. It Was Hard I Haft To Say But Red Won 
Then It Was Year 5-6 Green Team Vs Purple And I Think Green Won. 
Then Year 7-8 Purple Vs Year 7-8 Red Then Red Bet Them Again When Red Came Back From Pulling The Were Sweaty And They Smelt Bad To. 
Then It Was 7-8 Green Vs Blue, Blue Won 
Then Year 5-6 Purple Vs Blue Purple Won 
The Thing That Sucked The Most Is That It Was Green Vs Blue Then Blue Vs Purple Because Red Didn’t Have A Turn For Like 40 Mins 
All The Year 7-8 Had Lots Of Turns But Year 5-6 Had Only 2 Turns Everyone Else Had Like 5. 
The Funny Thing At The End Of Tug OF War The Teachers and Parents Vs All The Year 7-8s But Not 5-6 =(

The Extreme Exercise Extravaganza…


Ben points at people as they ride out of school. We went round the school. We only had to stop once. It was immensely fun. The second time round there was my brothers friend. He had crash and badly hurt his arm. There was looking at him. Then a teacher came and looked after him we kept going. Close to the end there was a big hill we had to get up there was a lot of people were panting i felt tired but an extrodinery sense of achievement.


HE HE HEEE They feel that burning rope as it pulls closer and closer.Using all our strength the sound get’s bigger and enormous,The crowd is yelling in everyone’s ear come on repeating come on!

They all feel a twitch and then they all fall back they all hear the crowd as they scream out like thunder.They see the other’s struggling to pull the rope.They feel all the excitement it’s going crazy.
We really enjoyed the TUG OF WAR.


Bikes are not doing any thing

I see bikes and grass.  Children are sitting on their bikes.

i hear wind.  teacher and children chatting.

i feel rubber skin in my shoe a bike seat my hands on the handles on the bike


Write to describe that moment in time.

  • People heaving the rope.
  • Heapes of people slipping and tripping.
  • People spring in the air.
  • House people screeching.
    • Tough rope in my hands.
    • Tired.
    • Excited.
    • Happy.
    • Hard ground.

    The sunlight slowly moving down as people tugged the rope.

    There are 1,000s of people heaving the rope.  There are people screaming and cheering.  There are house people springing in the air.  Heaps of people slipping and tripping.  There is people with Puffing red faces.

    There are birds tweeting.  House people sereming and cheering.  There was stomping feet hitting the grass.  There were people breathing deeply.  People were trying as hard as they can shouting heave.

    The tough rope  in my hand make me happy.  We were all tired and poofed.  When we first touched the rope we were excited.  When we won the first round we were happy.  There was very hard ground.    

    Friday, 1 April 2016

    Team Te Henga Team Building Trip!!!

    Te Henga Team 2016
    Team Building at Bethell's Beach!!!

    Bethell’s Beach Trip

    So on the trip we went in cars.  
    Then when we got there we had morning tea.  
    Then after morning tea we went for a walk.
    When we finished working we played games like soccer and a game called flags!
    Then we walk more after games so then we walked and walked so when we finished walking we got to the sand dunes it was really fun.   It was like sliding down a mountain.   then after the sand dunes we walked back to the cars and went back home

    Lukas Mathews

    By Quinn

    On Friday the 15th 2016 te henga went on the best ever beach trip at bellell’s.

    My first activity was was the sand castle competition.  First we need a team of four.  Then the teacher said 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 go.  Me and my team bursted to a spot and started mining tunnels and digging up the trenches.  I was going as fast as i could. We had 30 seconds. I was exhausted!  

    Now  we were at the next rotation.  Beach flags.  First the year 7, 8,6 went and i didn’t expect a girl to win. It went all down to three, Quinn, Ocean, Kawen.  Kawen got out and it was me and ocean.  I got up and ran as fast as i could and won.  I was proud of myself.

    Now was the next rotation.  Guess what is was?  Beach soccer.  I was really really excited and wanted to play.  Once we were in the teams we played.  The other team scored 4 goal and my team scored 3 so that meant we lost!!

    At the end of the end i was exhausted and tired the end.  

    Mum I feel a little carsick.Their I am on the way to Te Henga / Bethells beach on the 18.03.2016 with the Huapai District school so we can build up our activating.

    Oh no where was I before i said where when who and what? Oh.I remember I was in the car on the way to the beach.On the way we were talking about where we live and what is our hobby.We had to follow Garry (Cayls dad) on the way there because my mum was not used to the road.

    When we arrived there we had morning tea.Once we finished morning tea,we had a long ten minute walk to reach the salty water.Once we arrived we played frisbee with miss Tainie. Luckily for me.i was throwing the frisbee where wind was blowing.Once we finished we played flags with miss Shepperd. After that we played soccer with Mr Duploy and we lost.Then we did sandcastles with Traci and Allisa.

    Then we all packed up and walked back to the car park.
    After that the year 5,6,7,8 went to their supervision car and drove to the sand dunes.On  way  we started walking .It felt like I am in a tropical forest.At last we arrived at the sand dunes.We walked up onehill and I thought we were there but we had walk up another hill.On the way up there
    Was a mini hill and I went on it to practice my balancing.
    When we reached the top of the sand dunes, we found a very steep hill which was steep like a crater.I went down and up the hill twice.On the way back home I was so tired and exhausted I didn’t want to move a centimeter!

    On the way way home once again was tired and exhausted and I nearly got car sick.We took a different this  time.

    Thanks  for my mum.She went went with us so we get to go home early.At home ate ice cream and I was tired and exhausted.I read a book While i was eating Ice cream

    The Extreme Beach Trip

    Zoom, the car stopped. We got out and sat down sat down on the beach. On the 18.3.2016 we went to bethell’s. I could see that other people were here. The adult’s told us what we were doing and we were off! My group was Me Ivo Jared and Lydia.

    The very first thing we played soccer then we did flying frisbee. When Lydia and me did it our frisbee kept flying away from us. But we got it back. We also did sand castles! My group was me of course Celine Tim and this other little boy. My group made a zoo sand castle.

    Back then I felt really hot and bothered! But it was a lot of fun after all I felt amazing.

    I could see the waves splashing up on the sand. I could also see that there was lot and lots of people here so we needed to stick together.

    After we did the game’s the year 1’s to 4’s went to the interesting caves and year 5’s to 8’s went to the amazing sand dune’s. I went on the dunes. On the way up it was so tiring!
    I really felt puffed. When we got up most of us were jumping down the other sandy sand dune’s. We did that for about 10 min or more. Then we went back down. That was supper.

    So  that was  what we did on the 18th of march 2016. It was a good day. I was puffed for sure. It was fun. I am happy I went.